
Nurture your Intimate Health
with our Natural Yeast Biotic Answer 

Women’s microbiota are very sensitive and can be disrupted by a number of factors and life events such as hormonal variations, antibiotics use, stress, lifestyle, etc.
These circumstances can affect the delicate balance of the vaginal microbiota and favor the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, thus negatively impacting women's quality of life on a daily basis.

Quatreflora™ is a new probiotic approach for women's intimate health concerns. Produced from a patented strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3856, Quatreflora™ is a probiotic yeast that balances and optimizes vaginal flora and protects against bacterial and yeast vaginosis.                                                                                                                 

PDF - 4 pages - English

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